“There is no Torah like the Torah of Eretz Yisrael” (BeReishit Rabbah 16:4).

Come Fund Me

                                 A video message from Rabbi Moshe Lichtman:


Have you, or anyone you know, been inspired by one of my books?  Perhaps Eim HaBanim SemeichahEretz Yisrael in the Parashah, Rise from the Dust, etc.?

Do you believe, as I do, that all Jews belong in Eretz Yisrael?

Do you want to see more, quality literature in English on Religious-Zionist topics?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, now’s the time to do something about it!

Help me fill the void.

Help me dedicate my time to producing works that will inspire Jews throughout the world to return Home, both physically and spiritually.

Partner with me, so that I can afford to go around to all the yeshivot and seminaries in Israel and speak to the students about the importance of aliyah, and sell them my books at an enormous discount.


Current Project

I am currently working on a compilation of all the major sources on the importance of aliyah – translated and elucidated, and arranged as a daily course of study.  Yes, 365 lessons on why each and every Jew should live in the Chosen Land.

          See here for a sample chapter. 

          Tentative cover design:  

Cover jpeg

The book is almost completed, but I need financial assistance to allow me to devote more time to this project, so I can get it out before this year’s crop of students leaves the country.  Will you please step in and help ensure its speedy publication? 


My Fundraising Goal

In order to accomplish this immediate goal and begin other, important projects, I need to raise $25,000.  So, please donate generously.

How is this campaign different?

After much deliberation, I decided to run this campaign on my own website, as opposed to going with an official crowd funding site, mainly to avoid the high fees (some revealed and some hidden) that they charge.

That means you can rest assured that practically all of the money you give goes straight to helping me in my avodat hakodesh

Free Books

As a small token of my appreciation (and an incentive to try to “go the extra mile”), the 20 most generous donors will receive a free copy of my upcoming book, “A Drop in the Ocean,” when it comes out, b’ezrat HaShem, in a few months.


Thank you and tizku le'mitzvot.


Moshe D. Lichtman