RISE FROM THE DUST - Eretz Yisrael in Halachah and Hashkafah
From the Back Cover
Tzvi Glatt was born in 1959 in the United States of America. He immigrated to Israel in 1975 and studied at the Or Etzion B’nei Akiva Yeshiva from 1976-77. One year later, he came to Jerusalem to study at Yeshivat Merkaz HaRav Kook. On Friday night, May 2, 1980, he was gunned down by Arab murderers near Beit Hadassah in Hebron. He was just 21 years old.
Fortunate for us, Tzvi left behind this small but monumental work on the importance of settling the Land of Israel, especially in our times. His goal was to awaken Diaspora Jews from their slumber and rekindle within them the ancient love for the Desirable Land.
Now for the first time – thirty years after his tragic death – this book is available to the English-speaking public, the very people for whom Tzvi intended it. We only hope that Jews the world over will study its words and take its lessons to heart. May this book serve as an everlasting memorial for this potential gadol baTorah, whose life was cut short by those who wish to destroy us. |
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HaRav HaGaon R. Ovadyah Yosef shlita: |
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I was shown the folios of the book “Rise from the Dust,” on the obligation to immigrate to Eretz Yisrael in our times – the work of the righteous, precious, exalted young man, advanced in wisdom, but young in years, sharp and knowledgeable, studying diligently in the tent of Torah, filled with fear of God: the holy martyr, R. Tzvi Glatt, who fell at the hands of murderous Arabs in Hebron last year. May HaShem avenge his blood.
I went through its parts and saw that the mighty one succeeded, with great toil and effort, in encompassing this important and eminent topic comprehensively, to the depths of the halachah. This pure individual gathered [sources] from [numerous] scholars and books – Rishonim, Acharonim, and late Acharonim – new and old, with good taste and wisdom, deftly utilizing them to determine the halachah.
Let us express our thanks to two distinguished individuals… who worked diligently to publish this book and establish a lasting memorial for the holy departed, in the sense of “Their words are their memorials,” so that his lips may move in the grave and in order to enhance and glorify the Torah. May HaShem reward their deed and may their payment be full from the Lord, God of Israel. May they also be privileged to climb higher and higher on the ladder of Torah and fear of God, and may their names be like the names of the great men of the world, for pride and splendor.
I hereby call upon my fellow Jews to bring blessing into their homes and donate generously to the “Tzvi Menachem” Fund, [which was established] to perpetuate the memory of the holy author, Rabbi Tzvi Menachem Glatt z”l. May the merit of this mitzvah protect them [like] a thousand shields [and afford them] length of days, years of life, and all the best, for [the Torah] is a tree of life to those who hold onto it, and those who support it are fortunate.
Written in honor of our holy Torah and its students,
Ovadia Yossef
Rishon LeTzion – Chief Rabbi of Israel
HaRav HaGaon R. Moshe Feinstein zt”l:
Friends of the distinguished young man, the honorable rabbi, R. Tzvi Glatt Hy”d, sent me a treatise that they found among his writings, on the topic of the mitzvah to settle the Land of Israel in our times, and they asked me for [a letter of] approval. Because of my many distractions, it was difficult for me to look into the entire [book]. Nevertheless, I read several chapters, especially chapter five, where the author z”l discusses a teshuvah (responsa) that I wrote, which is printed in Iggrot Moshe, Even HaEzer, vol. 1, end of sec. 102. Now, even though I maintain that the halachah is as I wrote – and in my opinion the author z”l overstated [his case] – nonetheless, it is fitting to print and read this book, to enhance and glorify the Torah by way of discussing these issues. Furthermore, this will serve as a memorial for the author z”l, causing his lips to move in the grave. Let us hope that in the merit of analyzing HaShem’s mitzvot and studying His Torah we will soon be privileged to witness the coming of Mashiach and the resurrection of the dead.
Moshe Feinstein
HaRav HaGaon R. Avraham Shapiro zt”l:
I was shown folios prepared from hand-written monographs on the topic of the mitzvah to immigrate to and settle Eretz Yisrael, that were left behind by a student of the sacred yeshiva Merkaz HaRav – our holy and pure master, R. Tzvi Glatt zt”l, who was killed in 5740, on the holy Sabbath, by evil Arab murderers, may their names be eradicated. His friends in the yeshiva prepared the manuscripts for publication. I was amazed to see in these monographs the lofty stature of the holy departed zt”l and his strength in Torah. This young man succeeded in summarizing, elucidating, and clarifying – very comprehensively and with deep analysis – the immense material, both in halachah and aggadah, that he culled from the words of our Sages z”l and the [later] poskim, on the obligation to ascend to Eretz Yisrael and settle it. I know that he toiled greatly, denying his soul rest, as he delved enthusiastically into this topic, which filled his entire heart and mind. He also exhorted, by way of Torah debates, all serious Torah scholars who would lend him an ear, demanding that they agree to investigate this halachic issue and express their opinion, in both theory and practice, for the general good. I just found out that besides his verbal discussions [with Torah scholars], he also toiled and labored to clarify the issues by writing [letters to gedolim], as is the Torah’s way, showing great talent, beyond [what would be expected] at his young age.
These elucidations, with their breadth and organization will greatly benefit any Torah scholar who studies these issues. In addition, this book will serve as an everlasting memorial stone for this wise student, who was holy and pure in both life and death; may HaShem avenge his blood. It will also cause the author’s lips to move [in the grave] and be a small consolation for his bereaved parents, friends, and teachers, whose hearts were torn from within due to the terrible loss of a young Torah scholar, who was plucked up in his early years, in sanctification of God’s name. The words of the righteous are their memorials.
Written and signed in honor of the Torah and those who toil in it,
Avraham Shapiro
My name is… I was the one who… bought your Sefer on the Parshiot and “Rise from the Dust.” During Shabbat, I read “Rise from the Dust” cover to cover. I could not put it down. I think this should be required reading for every Jew not yet in Eretz Yisrael and every Jew in Eretz Yisrael. It shows the importance of living here in the eyes of the Torah, Chazal, and Gedolei HaDor since the beginning of time. It also reminds us what a Zechut it is to live here.
Book Review by Goel Jasper, Israel National News (Arutz Sheva)
When Tzvi Glatt (hy”d) decided to embark on the project that ultimately led to the publication of Me’Afar Kumi (“Rise from the Dust”), he had no aspirations of selling many books, nor of becoming famous.
He had a simpler goal: He wanted to wake up the Diaspora to the reality of the biblical commandment to make Aliyah (Jewish immigration to Israel).
When one reads the new English edition of this book, translated for the first time by Rabbi Moshe D. Lichtman, known also for his translation to English of Eim Habanim Semeichah (written by Rav Teichtel Hy"d while in hiding from the Nazis), the alarm clock rings loudly and boldly.
Rise from the Dust is a must-have for every Jewish home, although many in the Diaspora may not want to read it, since it outlines quite clearly that there is nowhere to hide from the mitzvah of Aliyah. But not to worry, says Glatt. Even if Diaspora Jews are not interested in reading Rise from the Dust, there is a strategy for overcoming that challenge.
But first, who was Tzvi Glatt? Little has been written about him, but the following is a short bioraphy of a too short life:
Glatt was born in 5719 (1959) in the United States of America. He immigrated to Israel in 5735 (1975) and studied at the Or Etzion B’nei Akiva Yeshiva from 5736-37 (1976-77). In Elul of 5737, he and his friends established the higher-learning program there, and one year later he came to Jerusalem to study at Yeshivat Merkaz HaRav [Kook]. On the eve of Shabbat Parashat Emor, 5740 (1980), he was killed by [Arab] murderers near Beit Hadassah in Hebron. He was just 21 years old.
What that short bio does not report is that Glatt spent his time at Mercaz HaRav jotting down notes regarding the mitzvah of Aliyah any chance he could. Eventually, he built up enough information to serve as the basis of Rise from the Dust, which ultimately was put together by friends of his from his time in yeshiva.
Rise from the Dust is divided into two, easy-to-navigate sections, the first regarding Hashkafa (philosophy) and the second on Halakha (Jewish Law).
From the introduction, which is entitled “Neglecting the Land of Israel,” the reader is made aware that there will be no punches pulled by Glatt as he states his case. The first lines, after two quotes from Tanach, are:
For two thousand years, during the long nights of exile, the Land of Israel remained faithful to us, refusing to embrace any foreign entity. As she sat desolate and lonely, we wandered far away, spreading out to every corner of the earth. The flame of love for the Land of the Deer always burned bright in the hearts of our nation’s spiritual leaders, but over the years, this G-dly flame began to wane in the hearts of the Jewish masses, and even in the hearts of Torah scholars.
In that single paragraph, Glatt communicates three important messages that will serve as key areas of focus for the book:
- The Land of Israel has been waiting for the return of the Jewish people;
- For centuries, our spiritual leaders yearned to return as soon as it was possible;
- Now that the Land is back in our possession, for some reason our leaders no longer share past yearnings.
The hashkafa section then takes the reader through Jewish history, from the time of Abraham through the establishment of the modern state of Israel, stopping along the way to outline Aliyah-related highlights, such as the Sin of the Spies.
About it, Glatt writes: Making aliyah to Eretz Yisrael is an exceptional challenge. The test is so difficult that it has the power to turn righteous people into wicked ones. And in order to pass the test, one needs extra help, as Moshe said to Yehoshua, “May G-d save you from the counsel of the Spies” (Sotah 34b).
And the issue of needing extra help becomes Glatt’s driver. In essence, whereas the classic Eim Habanim Semeichah is a call to Diaspora Jews to wake up and return to Eretz Yisrael, Rise from the Dust adds the requirement for those who have already made Aliyah to step forward and help our brothers and sisters in the Diaspora come home.
He writes:
The dreadful exile continues. How can we stop it? We the inhabitants of Eretz Yisrael, especially the Torah Jews of the Land, have a mission, as R. Alcalay writes: “If the sages of Eretz Yisrael do not resolve to turn the children’s hearts back to their fathers, to bring satisfaction to our holy Patriarchs who [rest] in Me’arat HaMachpeilah, they will pine away in their iniquity.”
Glatt’s point is clear. “Seeing the light” and returning to the Land is Israel is not enough. It is the responsibility of those who have already returned to reel in the rest of Diaspora Jewry as well.
The Halakha section is divided into two parts, “The Mitzvah of Dwelling in Eretz Yisrael in Our Times” and “The Obligation to Ascend to Eretz Yisrael in Our Days.” Glatt takes the reader through the history of halakhic opinions regarding both the mitzvah of living in Israel and whether someone not already here must pick up and make the big move.
With a grasp of the primary sources in Tanach and the Talmud that belies his youth (this reader continually had to remind himself that Glatt was only 21 at the time of his murder), as well as a strong basis in the Rishonim and Achronim, Glatt takes the reader on a virtual tour of the famous authorities in Jewish law, from the Rambam and Ramban to the Maharshach and other Achronim, and, in what is sure to be of great interest to today’s reader, a head-to-head battle with Rav Moshe Feinstein (zt”l).
The chapter addressing Rav Moshe’s responsum regarding the obligation to live in Israel in our generation is certainly one of the highlights of the book, as Glatt seems unshaken by Rav Moshe’s greatness. While maintaining a respectful tone throughout the chapter, Glatt sets out to prove that Rav Moshe was mistaken in his viewpoint concerning Aliyah.
Rise from the Dust is a must-own for anyone interested in the issues surrounding the commandment of Aliyah. The translation from the original Hebrew is smooth and readable, and the book itself is organized logically. First comes a section on philosophy and then a section of the practical application of that philosophy.
It puts forth a clear argument in favor of the mitzvah of Aliyah as a positive, obligatory commandment for our generation. But it also takes the Aliyah conversation up a level, as it puts the responsibility on those who are already home to bring the rest of the Jewish people home as well.