“There is no Torah like the Torah of Eretz Yisrael” (BeReishit Rabbah 16:4).

Beware! The books on this site might inspire you to make some very important changes in your life.

Em-HaBanim-Semeichah-Cover-295   An-Angel-Among-Men   A-Question-of-Redemption-Cover-295

“Eretz Yisrael, which is the ‘mother’ of Israel, cries, laments, and longs for us to return to her” ~Rav Y.S. Teichtal

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“The purely righteous do not complain about wickedness, they increase righteousness... faith... [and] wisdom.~Rav Kook


“There is a set time for our redemption… which will come about even if [the Jews] are completely unworthy” ~the Chafetz Chayim


Eretz-Yisrael-in-the-Parasha-Cover-295    Rise-from-the-Dust-Cover-295    Whats-thie-Purpose-Cover-295
 “Eretz Yisrael is the peg upon which the entire Torah hangs”

~R. Ya’akov Emden



“Dwelling in the Land of Israel is equal to all the mitzvot of the Torah” ~Sifrei, Re’eh



“Man was created for the sole purpose of delighting in God and enjoying the splendor of His Shechinah” ~Mesillat Yesharim


A Drop in the Ocean   The Dawn of Redemption



“One who collects statements about the virtues of the Land and its settlement is, in my eyes, like one who collects dew drops from an ocean.” -Rav Meir Simcha of Dvinsk







“The rights that we are granted in Eretz Yisrael are means, not the goal. We must establish a Torah-based, nationalistic society that will bring about the world’s perfection under the kingship of God.” -R. Ya’akov Filber